While the Little People in America are getting their asses kicked by this economy, we have the specter, or should I say spectacle, of Wall Street and now Detroit coming to the tax payers for a bail-out. A sobering look at hubris, I highly urge one and all to check out Thomas L. Friedman's piece, All Fall Down. The "unabashed (smirking) complicity of the upper class of American capitalism..." says it all.
The Big Boys ask, "Where's the love, America?" I have to answer, "Where's the shame?"
During China's Cultural Revolution, the capitalistas were paraded before jeering crowds with dunce caps and bound hands or had to stand in public reciting their "crimes" and asking forgiveness. No doubt, a harsh response. But at what point are the Masters of the Universe going to get a clue? They should at least say, "We're sorry." And mean it.
You know, it would take a sense of responsibility and conscience for those people to do that. Oh, that's right, people are breeding the opposite in this society. Great! Good job, everyone.
For all the 'little people getting their assed kicked', the fact is there are plenty of little people doing just fine. Actually, now that I think about it, there are plenty of big people getting their asses kicked too. So what is your point? And then to source the NY Times as an authority on anything? Wake up to the future and the past: economies come and go up and down. There has always been greed and some who get punished and some who do not. Fact: this is still the greatest country on the earth...i remain, Opto-mystic.
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