Here's what I can see now: that all the unpleasantness of my life's last six months were only the tiniest pieces of a most spectacular puzzle that was created with order, intelligence, and absolute love. Nothing is ever lost, no one becomes less and setbacks are always temporary. And no matter what has happened, everyone lives again, everyone laughs again, and everyone loves again, even more richly than before. With due deference to The Universe, thank you barn, for burning down.
1 comment:
Of this I am sure as I write this: I shall die some day. But I prefer to think only about how to live this day...actually, that is not accurate. I will live this day and ensure I get a full measure of what is out there, good or bad. I will breathe it, smell it, hit it, hate it, love it. Oh, that would be live it, right?
I will not waste my time, or others, on how bad this is or that is. After all, anyone can criticize: how hard is that? Trying coming up with solutions.
I remain, Opto-mystic.
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