I spent the better part of five hours today in two different legislative hearings on how the State of California's inability to pass a budget--to have some semblance of courage and fortitude--was screwing just about everyone in the rest of the state. Mostly it was the local governments, special districts and transportation projects (think j-o-b-s) but also the guys supposedly hefting those shovel-ready projects if they ever manage to get off the ground who are taking it in a sensitive place too.
Sorry. This isn't a time for delicacy. I was struck with how years and years of program partying--well intended but irresponsibly legislated, managed and monitored programs--have gotten out of hand. Too many people, too much need, not enough resources and a systemic and structural deficit that is made so much worse by the economy's meltdown with nary a flicker of light in sight for at least a year, probably more. Let's also not forget chronic avoidance of the obvious.
The Big 5--the Governor and the leaders of the two houses and both parties--have been meeting in secret, fearful that if the word gets out about how badly they are going to have to stick it to everyone to finally get a grip on the problem, the organized, well-heeled and not very altruistic groups will come out and what...scare them into submission? Make them stay in stalemate so that the yammering on both sides of the same, stale arguments can keep the political strangleholds they have enjoyed so long--at everyone who isn't them's expense?
I'm sick of it. And while sitting there during one of the more somber moments, with a witness giving public testimony, his voice cracking and eyes welling and the Members of the legislative committee doing their best to look engaged and concerned I thought, "This is what comes from letting ideology get out in front of common sense. This is what happens when you spend one-time windfalls on long-term programs, never check to see if they're working or needed, and then the economy hits the fan. What happens is pain to people who are the collateral damage of stupid decisions, of policy making by fear and political thuggery."
And it all rolls down hill. So the cities and counties, and the taxpayers and the immigrants and kids and the schools and all of the big fat mess we've made of things will have to take one for the team. As the hearing was winding down, I turned to my friend who said, "This is going to hurt. It's just a matter of whether they give us lube or not."
So here's a little gift from the Big 5 and the Budget Mushroom Caucus everyone. Enjoy the ride!
They should give away KY at the fundraiser, where they will also raffle off a sense of shame.
Hey...I use to live across the street from your Dad. I'm a trumpet player and played with him many times. You should be and probably are proud of what a truly great, well respected and musicial musician's musician... musicial type musician your Dad is. Not to mention what a super great guy too. I mean..he's in the rhythm section (secretly wishing he was a brass player) and always gets along with the piano player but spent a good part of his life fighting bad drummers. (go ahead...ask him.)
So anyway...long story longer. He sent me your blog info a while ago. Lost it ...duh.. I write this stuff for WordsmithUnlimited so I asked for it again. Thought you might like to read mine and you might like to write some stuff over there.You'll see. 500 words or less on a picture prompt.Tell 'em I sent you and you'll get a good table.
Maybe this will send you to my blah, blah, blog and we can take it up from there.I don't know how to link stuff so just goggle wordsmithsunlimited and you'll see what I'm talking about.
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