Friday, October 17, 2008

Thinking is good

Welcome to The Ink Tank.  A place for intelligent, thoughtful and whimsical discourse on topics like politics and culture, film, food, fun, art, music and entertainment. My goal is to use The Ink Tank to riff on what, in the words of "Jerry McGuire," we think but do not say, to spur ideas and eventually spread them.  Like viruses only the good kind.  I hope to have some guest bloggers add their 2c's as well.

I invite anyone reading to comment, to participate and to have fun.  Points given for well-written posts and insights, for checking yourself before you wreck yourself (self-editing).  I'm also hoping to identify people who will later be invited to participate in a selective, private on-line community where we can create a spirited, private and safe place to bring our personal and professional challenges in hopes the collective experience, wisdom and wit can lend ourselves a hand.  If you want to know more about what I'm talking about, check out or Seth Godin's newest book, Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us.  

Gotta start somewhere...

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